To The Ends of the Earth...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Elzar, I Am Not

I was in the bizarre today, walking by all these fresh vegetables and spices and I thought to myself…I really wish I knew how to cook! All these wonderful things at my fingertips and not a know-how to do anything with them. Not that cooking is hard, but I’m usually a recipe kinda girl. I do make stuff up and just cook, and it always tastes good, but with somethings, I wouldn’t even know where to begin, or what might make a good combination together. Not that I have too much time for cooking. I can’t remember the last time I actually cooked a meal, a real meal. Usually after English Club, I come home tired and by time I settle in to make something it is 9:30/10pm, too late for me to start thinking creatively about dinner. So I have resolved that I will begin to plan meals for the week. That way I can buy everything I need for them at the beginning of the week and when I come home I won’t “wish” I had something and look into my mostly empty fridge. Plus I’m pretty sure this idea will definitely improve my diet! Wish me success and if you have any good recipes, feel free to send them my way :) !


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