To The Ends of the Earth...

Friday, February 15, 2008

YFC Central Asia Conference

Well it was our first conference in Central Asia! It was held here in Kygyzstan at Kashka Su- a nice place in the mountains! Myself and three others went up a day early to decorate, prepare the rooms, and get things ready for everyone who would be arriving the next day. When the next morning came, everyone came all at the same time pretty much, and I was called in every direction- I was ready to change my name, if only for a little while! But everyone got settled in and things rolled smoothly from there on out. We had about 50 people! Coming from all over Central Asia! It was amazing to see, but even more amazing to see and hear how they are helping youth in their different countries!! Our area director and his wife flew in from Thailand, so the snowy mountains were a bit of a change for them. He led the training over the next three days. We also had some special guests- a guy from Ireland and a lady from Scotland! Sometimes I was asked to translate, but not Russian, but their English! We had a good time of getting to know each other and encouraging one another, and having fun! Of course you can’t be in the snowy mountains without having some time to enjoy them! We even rode the ski lift to the top of one of the mountains- a cold ride, but well worth the view!!! One evening, as our team here was sharing about the different areas we are working with youth, I was able to share about what I have been doing since I’ve arrived, and I was able to tell about it all in Russian!! I was so happy afterwards! It is times like that, that I can see I’m making progress! It is encouraging. Overall, for our first conference, I think it went great! Everyone enjoyed it!!


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