To The Ends of the Earth...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

It’s Good To Be Back

Well, after two months of being back in the States, it is good to be back! I did have a nice time back home. Although my nephews, with whom I spent most of my time with, going to the pool, library, playground, ect.) would probably say that it was not as much time as they had hoped. Two months was a good amount of time for me. There were people and places I did not get a chance to see that I would have liked to, but one soon gets to feeling comfortable and at the same time restless to get back to normal life (that is, life in Kstan- which has become my norm). I arrived around 4am Sunday morning (17th) and greeted by my two friends Uulkan and Ira with flowers in hand! After loading my stuff in the car, we enjoyed some apple tarts and coffee (prepared by Ira) in the parking lot. It was a wonderful welcoming!!!


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