To The Ends of the Earth...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hitchin' A Ride

Ok, so just incase you are ever in the country, and you need to bum a ride, it will cost you 5 som per person. I know that hitchhiking is usually free in the states, but not so here. And for those of you who are now beginning to worry as to why I am hitchhiking here, before you get too concerned, let me explain why. One of the places our team goes to visit is in a village outside of the city. So we take a marshruka to the bazarre where we then get on a larger marshruka that goes out to the villiages. Once we are at the village, we then take a taxi to the detention center. Though when we return, we cannot get a taxi. So we walk to the nearest road and wait for a car (or horse drawn wagon if there are really no cars), and if they want, they will stop and then drive us to the main road where we again catch a large marshruka back to the city, to catch a smaller marshruka to get back home. So it is perfectly normal. Though it can be pretty interesting if there are five of you and the back seat of the car is really only made for three people. :)


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